How To Fix Your Broken Video File

​Learn here how to fix your broken video file in 5 minutes or less.

It’s always too bad when you record a video and then your recording program or camera crashes.
Because then you can’t play the video when it’s broken. But don’t be sad! There are always methods to make it working.
If you have recorded your video with a recording program (let’s take Bandicam as example) and your video file is a AVI, then you just need to install Bandicam if you haven’t yet.
Then open the install directory and run the program bdfix.exe. This program will help you fix AVI video files. In 90 percent of all cases Bandifix will repair your video and make your video play.
But if you don’t have a AVI file, but a MP4, then it’s a little bit harder to make it play. If you google it, a lot of websites will show you how to fix MP4 files.
But be careful, many websites we have tested with MP4 fixers have viruses.
There’s a good MP4 fixer on the web, it’s called “MP4 Fixer by Grau Online”. With this tool you can fix you video file. But with the free version, it’ll only fix the half size of your videos.
For example, if you video length is 30 minutes, it will only fix 15 minutes. Download MP4 Fixer here.