Why it’s not worth it creating a video sharing site

In this post you will see good reasons why it’s not worth the time creating a video sharing site.

Maybe someday you dreamed of owning YouTube or some other video sharing site. And you was thinking about all the videos on it and the money you get. So you think you can just create another YouTube-like site and start earning money? Nah, that’s not working. Why? Read it here.

It takes really much time to setup a video sharing website. First you have to think about a domain name, then you have to choose which hoster you can trust and buy website hosting for your site. That already takes much time. Then you will need to choose which “program” you want to install on your server. If you want wordpress, then you’re usually fu**ed, because there are only 2 good video wordpress themes available. So you need to to something else. Ofc it’s up to you what you use.

Then there is another issue. The userbase. You don’t have that much people who will visit your site to watch videos. They will always try to find some similar video on YouTube, because YouTube is on the market for a long time already. So you won’t have many views on your videos on your website.

These were the most important reasons why you shouldn’t do it. Instead try creating a channel on YouTube and upload videos. You will see that you will get more views than on your own website. But if you really want to try to open a video sharing site, of course you can do it. Comment on this post and show which site you have created if you did.