Why You Should Use HTTPS For Your Website

If you can not decide whether to use HTTP or HTTPS for your website, then read this post to see the differences.

If you are currently working on creating a web page, then you have probably already thought about HTTPS. And yes, it’s important to know the difference between HTTP and HTTPS. But first, you should know what that means.

What is HTTPS?

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is a protocol that allows data to be transmitted over the Internet without being stolen.

It was originally developed by Netscape, who released HTTPS together with their browser, Netscape Navigator.

What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?

As you might guess, HTTPS can do anything that can HTTP and more. Since the “S” for HTTPS stands for “Secure”, this means that it is much more secure than the normal Web protocol.

For websites that still use HTTP, it can be assumed that you can listen to them when you visit the pages via a Wifi network. This can have very negative consequences for you if, for example, you are doing online banking and your bank has not switched to HTTPS yet.

But if you only surf on websites with HTTPS, then you can feel much safer knowing that you can not be intercepted. Due to complicated hacking methods it is also possible for hackers to see which website you are on. However, this is only true for weak SSL certificates and is actually no problem.

Should I use HTTP or HTTPS?

It still seems to be a less than smart idea to use HTTP at the present time, as Internet search engines do not set HTTP web pages as high as HTTPS web pages.

Even the argument that an HTTPS certificate is very expensive is no longer true. Thanks to free and secure methods such as “Let’s Encrypt”, there is now no reason to give up HTTPS certificates.

That means using HTTPS, it’s worth it!